What Is Positive Psychology?

What Is Positive Psychology?

“Positive psychology is the scientific study of optimal human functioning. It aims to discover and promote the factors that allow individuals, organizations, and communities to thrive." -Martin Seligman

Positive Psychology (PP) is a rapidly-growing scientific movement. Where traditional psychology tends to focus on “what’s wrong with us,” PP shifts that focus to what’s right with us. This evidence-based approach to self-improvement provides practical tools to help people shift their mindset from one of negativity and helplessness to one of optimism and resilience. I like to say that PP is the science of happiness. It gives you exactly what you need to flourish in an overly demanding world. And let's be honest: our world right now is pretty darned demanding.
The speed at which we do business is ever-increasing, technology has us feeling both connected and isolated, and more information than our poor, tired brains can process is hitting us from every angle, every second of the day. In short, our current work culture is exhausting! Employees today feel:
  • Overwhelmed by constant change
  • Anxious that they’re not working hard enough
  • Stressed out about balancing the demands of career and family
  • Worried that they won’t be able to keep up with the frenetic pace of business, and
  • Totally tapped out from trying

Positive Psychology Can Help

Organizations provide their employees with the training and tech that they need to thrive at work, but here's the thing: If employers want their people to do exceptional work, then they have to give them more than just the basics.

When you integrate PP methods and practices into your current plan for workplace well-being, you help team members develop the internal capacity to be more resilient in the face of an always connected, always-on, highly demanding work culture.

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